Retail Accelerator Program Feature : Shopnosis


As our Retail Scaleup Accelerator program concludes, we are featuring some of the best Scaleups in our weekly blog posts. Next in our series of blogs is Shopnosis and its large database and predictive solutions to optimize shopper marketing.

What is Shopnosis? 

Shopnosis is a shopper analytics platform that helps retailers and brand manufacturers to optimize shopper marketing at all in-store locations. Shopnosis dashboard includes performance scores of all in-store marketing and full shopper funnel data: where shoppers go, what they see, how they interact with products and marketing, and which products they take in hand and buy or put back on the shelf.

Retailers use Shopnosis analytics to measure the effectiveness of in-store media and conversion across different departments, store formats and categories.

Brands use Shopnosis analytics to optimize retail marketing positioning, design and shopper communication, merchandising layouts and package design.

When brands and retailers use Shopnosis analytics to boost collaboration, they achieve multi-million-dollar category growth.

What are some of the pain points you solve?

Around 70% of retail marketing initiatives end up with a negative or low return on investment. 80% of products make less than 2% of sales. The things that often go wrong or suboptimal are marketing and product positioning, marketing visual design and shopper communication. These mistakes keep happening since retail marketers don’t have an efficient and predictive way to understand shopper behavior and optimize all marketing initiatives before launch.

What do you consider to be your unique selling points? 

We have a fast-growing database of observations “through the shoppers’ eyes”. It is the most detailed and comprehensive database of genuine shopping trips. It has more than 2 million observations of shopper interactions with retail marketing and products at all in-store locations, across physical and digital channels in the UK, EU, US, Canada and Australia. Using this vast amount of data, proprietary computer vision, and AI technology, Shopnosis reliably measures and predicts the performance of retail marketing and shopping conversion, pinpointing what needs improvement and how. Shopnosis is faster and more predictive than other retail marketing analytics.

Which retailers do you currently work with?

We have a solid client base of approx. 40 brands and some of the biggest retailers. Coles, Woolworths, Tesco, Aldi, Mondelez, PepsiCo and Nestle are some of the prominent clients using our solutions.

What were the key benefits of being on the Uk Scaleup program?

During the program, we got in touch with senior managers of four major UK retailers. It was beneficial to hear what their challenges and needs are, as well as to meet them in person at the Innovation summit in London. We presented our solutions to them and started initial conversations.

What are your key next steps? 

We want to establish partnerships with UK retailers, CPG brands and marketing agencies to include them in the Shopnosis analytics program.

How can interested UK customers and partners connect with Shopnosis

If you think that Shopnosis can help you improve your shopper marketing, you can contact our CEO Vedran Jelaca at, contact number: +43 667 7704440, +32 488 654302

Working with the UK Launchpad

The UK Launchpad works with international Scaleups to bring innovative solutions to UK Retailers. If you’re a Scaleup or a Retailer and want to see how we can help you, please contact us at

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