Retail Accelerator Program Feature : Ladorian

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Retail Accelerator Program Blog Feature: Ladorian

We are coming to a close on our Retail Accelerator program this December. Over these past few months, we have seen our tech companies put in a lot of time and effort to build up the skills and knowledge needed to enter the UK market. One of the tech companies is Ladorian, a company that leverages AI to maximize the performance of existing digital hardware in retail stores. Let’s look at what Ladorian does and how can it help you maximize returns in your retail store operations.

Who are Ladorian? 

Ladorian is a technology company, we have developed an offline recommendation engine that uses Artificial Intelligence and Data to deliver personalized content at physical points of sale using existing hardware. Our engine allows customers to narrowcast the right content, at the right time, to the right person, activating existing data and maximizing the performance of the hardware already installed in the stores (screens, PA systems, etc.). Additionally, we can measure every single impact via our platform: product recommendations, associations, peak sales time, customer profiles, and overall campaign impact.

 What are some of the pain points you solve?

Today, more than 80% of sales are made at the physical point of sale, not online. However, it is the online world that has been able to drive communication in a personalized way with its customers through the data at its disposal. At Ladorian we want to rebalance this situation, putting in value the “gold mine” of data that physical businesses already have and use it so that they can communicate in a personalized way with their customers and increase the performance of their hardware installations.

What do you consider to be your unique selling points? 

The content recommendation engine is proprietary, based on a unique Artificial Intelligence technology, capable of distributing personalized content and advertising messages in physical spaces, autonomously.

The technology is hardware-agnostic and works through proprietary algorithms that process endogenous and exogenous variables, and with mathematical models for data analysis enhanced by Machine Learning, allowing Ladorian to develop a unique and innovative offer, unmatched in the market. In this way, we achieve an increase in promotional sales of more than 30%.

Which retailers do you currently work with?

Some of our notable clients include BP Oil Spain, DIA, and Grupo Sonae.

What were the key benefits of being on the Uk Launchpad’s Retail Scaleup program?

UK Launchpad’s scaleup program has allowed us to meet with some of the most important and innovative retailers in the industry, fast-tracking our entrance into the UK market. On top of that, the program has given us the possibility to discuss with these companies their pain points and understand what the future of retail looks like, from their perspective.

What are your key next steps? 

We are currently focusing on our international expansion, with the UK being the top priority.

If you think that Ladorian and its offline recommendation engine can positively affect your retail sales, you can contact them at

Working with the UK Launchpad

The UK Launchpad works with international ScaleUps to bring innovative solutions to UK Retailers. If you’re a ScaleUp or a Retailer and would like to see how we can help you, please contact us at

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